If you're trying to find out more about how to buy Modafinil in Portugal then you've come to the right place.
We've put together this country buying guide to walk you through everything that you might need to know about Modafinil and how to buy it when you're living in Portugal.
For our readers that are just here looking for some reputable vendors then use the links below to read up about our preferred sellers and their current discounts.
Continue reading to learn all that you will need to know about the legality, getting a prescription, where to buy Modafinil if you live in Portugal, as well as a detailed overview covering everything about the medicine itself.
Let's get started!

Is Modafinil legal in Portugal?
The answer is YES! Modafinil is legal in Portugal, however, it's it required that you have a prescription...
The European Medicines Agency ruled that Modafinil can only be supplied and sold by pharmacies after a prescription is obtained by the doctor.
To be prescribed Modafinil, you must have a sleeping condition such as narcolepsy. You may try to fake a sleeping condition, but this is not advised as most doctors will want you to do an an overnight sleep study. As hard as you may try, you won't be able to fake having narcolepsy. At least from our experience anyway!
A far easier option would be to instead purchase generic Modafinil on the internet from a reliable seller. You can read our vendor reviews to see which of our recommended sellers would best suit your situation.
Online vendors who sell Modafinil are commonly located in countries like India, where a prescription is not required. As a result, customers in Portugal can order the medication without being asked to provide proof of prescription.
Another positive is that it is unheard of for anyone in Portugal to get into legal trouble from ordering Modafinil online for personal use.
What makes things even easier is that some vendors are now able to ship your Modafinil from a country within the European Union. This means that your parcel wont have to go through customs checks, compared to if your order was to be shipped from India, the United Kingdom, or other country outside the EU.
What all this means is that it's very likely that you wont have any issues receiving your shipments quickly and safely into Portugal.
How to get a prescription for Modafinil in Portugal
If you want Modafinil in Portugal and you are prepared to do everything by the books then you're going to need to get a prescription.
The first step would be to talk to your local doctor. They can help determine whether a prescription is right for you and, if so, what type of medication would be most effective. To properly diagnose a sleeping condition, the doctors will usually require that you complete a sleep study.
A sleep study, also called a polysomnogram, is a test used to diagnose and assess sleep disorders. It measures various aspects of your sleep, including how long you sleep, how often you wake up during the night, and how much time you spend in each stage of sleep. A sleep study can also help identify any underlying health conditions that may be causing your sleep problems.
Sleep studies are typically conducted overnight in a sleep laboratory or hospital. During the study, you will be monitored by a team of sleep specialists who will record your brain waves, heart rate, breathing, and eye movements. In some cases, you may also be asked to wear an oxygen mask or have sensors placed on your body to measure your blood pressure, leg movements, and snoring.
The results of your sleep study will be used to diagnose any sleep disorders you may have and to develop a treatment plan.
There is an alternative however, Modafinil can be bought from a seller online without a prescription and shipped to you directly. This can be done because you'll be ordering from an online supplier that ships from a country where Modafinil doesn't require a prescription and is sold over the counter.
Let's explore this option in a little bit more detail now.
Where to buy Modafinil online in Portugal
Buying online is a lot easier than getting a prescription, however, it isn't as easy as doing a quick google search and clicking on the first vendor that you come across. It might have been in the past, but those times are long gone.
There are a lot of scam vendors out there - as well as illegitimate vendor reviews littering the internet forums - all trying to mislead you into sending them your money.
This is why we've created our forum so that you can get a better idea of who our community are ordering from and which vendors are offering the best services at any particular time.
We've also done our own research and found two vendors that we highly recommend if you're looking to order Modafinil to Portugal. They all offer shipping within the EU so you can be certain that your orders will be delivered very quickly and safely!

Check out our detailed vendor review that covers everything you need to know about Modawhale, their products, and the service that they offer. We've got no doubt that they're the best vendor for you but it's also important that you know why too.
Here are some of the reasons that we rate Modawhale so highly:
FREE Shipping on ALL Orders: When shopping with Modawhale you wont ever have to pay for shipping, no matter how small your order is. They wont impose a minimum spend of >$100 or >$150 like some other vendors out there. Place an order for their smallest quantity (30 tablets) and you'll see that shipping will still be 100% FREE.
EU2Europe Shipping: You can choose to have your orders shipped from their warehouse within the EU. This is ideal for customers that are based in Europe. Your order will arrive quickly and without any unwanted border checks.
FREE Reshipments or Refunds: In the unlikely outcome that your order is seized, Modawhale guarantee that you will be entitled to a free reshipment or a full refund, whichever option you prefer.
Quick Dispatch and Fast Delivery: Orders are dispatched and tracking numbers are provided within 1-2 business days. The local shipping options ensure the quickest and safest delivery to your doorstep.
Outstanding Customer Service: The Modawhale team are focused on putting their customers first and that means providing responsive and quick customer service. Their response times are impressively fast, and you wont receive template responses, your questions and issues will be properly investigated and resolved.
We wanted to make sure that you get the best deal possible, so we've been able to negotiate an exclusive 15% discount for all our readers.
Be sure to use the coupon 'MODADEALS15' at the checkout if you order through them.
High Street Pharma
Be sure to take a look at our detailed vendor review of High Street Pharma so that you know everything that there is needed before placing an order with this vendor. Their extensive product range and consistent high level of service easily make them one of our highly recommended vendors.
Below are several reasons why we believe High Street Pharma an excellent choice of vendor:
Extensive Product Range: High Street Pharma have you covered for all your online pharmaceutical needs. On top of Nootropics, they also stock a much wider variety of other products than your standard Modafinil/Armodafinil focused vendor. Being able to order everything in one place is a no-brainer for some people.
EU2Europe Shipping: You can choose to have your orders shipped from their warehouse within the EU. This is ideal for customers that are based in Europe. Your order will arrive quickly and without any unwanted border checks.
Extensive Payment Options: Being able to accept different payment options in this industry is hard, but High Street Pharma have got you covered. They're able to accept payment via cryptocurrency and credit/debit cards for all regions, plus PayPal for select countries.
Returning Customer Discount: Receive an additional 10% (on top of our discount code) for all your future orders with them.
FREE Shipping on Larger Orders: For all orders coming from India, if you spend more than $150 you'll get free Express shipping.
Guaranteed EU Delivery for EU Countries: Pay a little extra at the checkout and you receive their Guaranteed Delivery. Full refunds or reshipments will be provided with this shipping option for EU orders if not received.
We have also been able to negotiate an exclusive deal with High Street Pharma for our readers.
Be sure to use the coupon code 'MODADEALS' for a massive 20% off all future orders.
What you need to know about Modafinil
In the last decade Modafinil and other cognitive enhancing medications have only continued to explode in popularity.
Modafinil is a drug that was originally developed to treat narcolepsy, but it has become one of the more popular and widely used "Smart Drugs" in the recreational space. It is often getting used by students and professionals who need to be able to stay focused and awake for long periods of time.
So you now know that lots of people are taking Modafinil, but the next step is understanding exactly what it is, as well as learning how it works.
We've prepared some information that you might find useful in better understanding Modafinil, and whether it might (or might not) be the right drug for you.
What does Modafinil do?
Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant and wakefulness-promoting medication.
It has been approved for the treatment of conditions such as narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness in people with obstructive sleep apnea.
Modafinil is also being used off-label to treat other conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD), chronic fatigue syndrome, myotonic dystrophy and major depressive disorder.
However, over recent years Modafinil has continued to explode in popularity for a different reason - its recreational use. Modafinil is being taken by anyone ranging from students through to entrepreneurs, from the rich and famous (think Dave Asprey, Tim Ferriss or Joe Rogan) through to your everyday workers. You name the industry and there is no doubt that there are people within that space that are regularly relying on Modafinil to stay awake and help optimise their performance by enabling them to perform at their cognitive-best.
Here is a breakdown of some of the benefits that have been reported from the research, as well as healthy individuals that take Modafinil:
Increased alertness and deferred tiredness for 10 to 12 hours
This list grows longer as we continue to learn about Modafinil!
Considering just one drug has the chance of offering all these benefits it's no wonder that Modafinil has become one of the world's most popular Smart Drugs.
How does Modafinil work?
It is important to understand that Modafinil is structurally different from other central nervous system stimulants such as amphetamines, methylphenidate and cocaine.
Since stimulant drugs tend to share similar mechanisms of action you will find stimulants that are relatively mild like Modafinil often getting compared to stimulants that have significant potential for abuse (e.g. cocaine, heroin, Adderall). Some people try making parallels that the similar mechanisms of action therefore means similar likelihood of abuse, however this is not always true, which is the case here with Modafinil.
The precise mechanism by which Modafinil works is still not completely known. However, with decades of Modafinil being consumed by the general public, as well as the ongoing research, we're getting closer to understanding why and how Modafinil does what it does.
Modafinil is believed to affect several different neurotransmitters, including excitatory neurotransmitters like dopamine and glutamate (increasing their availability in the brain) and decreasing the availability of inhibitory neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Interestingly, it is understood that Modafinil binds to the same site on the Dopamine Transporter (DAT) as cocaine, but in a different way.
What is the difference between the brand names and all the generic products?
Modafinil was originally discovered by the french family-owned French drug company Lafon Pharmaceuticals. The American pharmaceutical company Cephalon Pharmaceuticals (Cephalon) leased the manufacturing and selling rights of Modafinil from Lafon Laboratories, but in 2001 they acquired the whole company, giving Cephalon the sole manufacturing rights.
The brand name of Modafinil used to be Modiodal when it was owned by Lafon Pharmaceuticals, however, following the acquisition it became Cephalon's Provigil. Similarly, Cephalon had the patent for Armodafinil, which they would sell under the brand name Nuvigil.
So the two brand names are:
Provigil (Modafinil)
Nuvigil (Armodafinil)
Once the patent for a drug expires any pharmaceutical company can decide that they want produce and sell it now. The drugs produced by these other manufacturers are generic versions. Since Modafinil and Armodafinil had become so popular and highly sought after, many companies began to produce their own generic versions.
Here is a list of some of the more popular generic brands that are offered for sale by the online vendors:
Generic medicines are made by following the recipe outlined in the original patent. Think of it like baking a cake. The original brand-name manufacturer made the first cake, and patented its ingredients and methods. Now that information is available to the public, and anyone can make the same cake. In the United States, the FDA regulates the generic medicine (or cake) market to ensure that the product you receive matches the original brand-name product. If the brand-name product created a “Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake” then the generic version must also be the same exact flavour.
The FDA requires that all generic medicines contain 85-128% of the brand name’s active ingredient. This means that generic products may sometimes be a bit weaker than the original formula, or they could even be a little stronger. But in general they must fall within that range.
All generics, regardless of their brand, contain the same primary ingredient and roughly the same amount.
What are the side effects of Modafinil?
No medication or drug is ever perfect, and it wouldn't be right for us to educate you about Modafinil without covering some of the potential side effects.
Even NZT in the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper had negative side effects, which he only discovered later on since it was very much still an experimental drug. There are always going to be downsides, but ideally you need to find products that have more positives than they do have negatives. Otherwise, what's the point...
Despite Modafinil not being completely understood, it has been well researched, and consumed by the general public for long enough, that we now have a pretty good idea of all the different symptoms and side effects that you might experience while taking it.
Let me bring your attention to the more common side effects, which affect less than 15% of users:
Difficulty sleeping
While these side effects are not very appealing, they don't happen to everyone and some of these can also be avoided by better understanding the medication, as well as your own body.
Modafinil has been shown to be effective and well tolerated when taken by healthy individuals.
Final thoughts on buying Modafinil in Portugal
That should about cover everything that you need to know if you're based in Portugal and wanting to buy some Modafinil, or at least learn more about it.
If you'd like to continue the journey of reading up about Modafinil, Armodafinil, or nootropics in general, be sure to check out our other blogs, or even our community forum, to see if there is anything else that might be of interest. There will be new blog and forum posts made regularly so be sure to check back again in the near future.
When you're ready to place an order for Modafinil online, be sure first look at our updated coupon list with all the latest and largest discounts to be had so that you get the best deal possible.
We hope that you've found this post useful! We'll continue updating it as we come across any new information that we think will be educational and useful for you.
Mantenha-se saudável e produtivo!