WARNING: Duckdose has been shutdown for a number of years but as soon after they closed their doors another vendor using the domain DuckDose.net quickly appeared. While the new vendor has stolen the original branding and logo, this new site is not connected to the original in any way. DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM, YOU WILL LIKELY GET SCAMMED
All good things seem to come to an end, and Duckdose (url: duckdose.com) was no exception to this rule. Duckdose has now shutdown for good.
Their closure was sudden and unexpected by the community...

Duckdose were a leading supplier of Modafinil and Armodafinil online. They had built up a loyal following over the years as they slowly became one of the industry favourites. Their user-friendly interface and affordable pricing structure made them one of the most popular vendors in this space at the time.
It's uncertain whether they were forced to shut down or whether they left on their own volition. Regardless of the reason, it's not a surprise that online vendors of Modafinil and Armodafinil products are finding it increasingly difficult to stay afloat and keep their doors open.
On the 10th of April 2018, the following email was circulated by the DuckDose team:
Duckdose Closure
Dear valued customer, Duckdose is shutting down, effective immediately. We apologize for the short notice and inconvenience caused.
It’s been a fantastic ride, but the ducks have decided it is time to pursue other opportunities.
If you have any outstanding orders due, Duckdose will deliver them within the next 30 days once we have concluded the delivery of special orders.
You will not be able to access your account on our site.
Your support has been an invaluable part of our growth, and we hope the partnership has been both rewarding and fruitful for you.
Quack! Duckdose Team

Any outstanding orders to existing customers were honoured with the team continuing to provide email support for the next 30 days following the closure announcement.
However, their sudden departure did leave the community scrambling for another vendor that had similar products and standards.
Interestingly, and following in the footsteps of ModafinilCat, Duckdose recommended the alternative vendor ModafinilXL to their existing customers as well as anyone that visited their website before it went completely dark. We've written a vendor review on ModafinilXL which is worthwhile reading if you're looking for another supplier.
Since their closure, Duckdose has been incredibly missed by the community. If you look through the nootropic forums, even now you'll still see recent mentions of Duckdose. They were potentially one of the best and most loved vendors that we've had to date.
Since the departure of Duckdose, there are a number of new vendors that have appeared on the scene, which can make it difficult to know who to trust. This is why we continue to monitor this landscape and write reviews about the vendors that operate in this industry.
We've hopefully taken some of the hard work out of making the right decision.
To summarise, if you're located anywhere outside of Europe, we would recommend reading our reviews covering ModafinilXL and/or High Street Pharma.
For all readers that are located within Europe, we recommend that you have a look at our review on Modawhale. They'll be able to ship to your domestically, ensuring that your parcel arrives quickly and safely.
It's always sad to see the departure of such a well-loved vendor, but it has become the nature of this industry. Luckily there are a number of solid vendors that have been quick to step in and fill the void.
As the old team over at Duckdose would have put it - Get Quackin'